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Everyone Hates UberSuggest But Me! My Honest Review 2024


I resisted Ubersuggest because of the reviews on Reddit. Not all were negative, but there was a definitive disdain for the founder Neil Patel. Ok, so the guy is not the most loveable creature on earth. After all, he is the face of the brand. Is Ubersuggest really that bad though?

Ubersuggest review

Redditor's Ubersuggest Review

Dabbling through the vast array of options for the ultimate SEO Analytic tool, I landed on the website Now, my interest was piqued because of its affordability. So I did what I always do, search Reddit. See my article on Reddit: Is Reddit Reliable? 

Firstly, people were tearing Neil Patel apart. They stated the website had inaccurate information. Critics stated that the data was garbage. However, as I shopped around looking at YouTube comparisons of Semrush, Ahref,, Screaming Frog, Google Analytics, Ads Google, Moz, Majestic etc... I found that the data was not as far off as everyone claimed. Also, the price was minuscule compared to other services.

My Personal Experience

Finally, I decided to try it out myself. Ubersuggest offered a 7-day free trial that I jumped on! At the same time, I did a 14-day Sermrush trial so I could compare the two services. Before that, I tried Let me first state that all of the services were excellent and incredibly useful.

Semrush had a learning curve with many options, but it was expensive. My website did not collect enough data or create the revenue to take advantage of its features. was simple, and was a watered-down version of Semrush. It had good stuff but not as in-depth as Semrush. Honestly, I still find using Semrush a little overwhelming. Like, I can't pinpoint what tools to use for better optimization.

I then began to see how helpful and simple the app was and is. The interface is not very complicated. It has a keyword analyzer, competitor research, and optimization suggestions. At this point in my journey, I found Ubersuggest to be the most usable and affordable tool. I thought about the lifetime subscription, but I was still in decision mode.

Ubersuggest is a Really Good Tool!

So my trial expired, whomp whomp! That lifetime membership loomed in my impulsive little mind, but it was a bit out of the reach of my budget. You see, I'm just starting still. The process of figuring out how to break through where I want to be in my marketing journey. So, I held off, and guess what? The Neil Patel app sends me an amazing offer. Lifetime membership for $99. Granted, it offered 100 searches a day instead of 150, but that was a good deal!

I was impressed by their brilliant marketing tactic. I have been using the tool for some time now, though I took a break to test out Semrush for an additional month. I am still finding Uber suggest to be a simple usable tool! Also, it has a very good Chrome too!

Ubersuggest Vs. Semrush

Interestingly enough, I find myself using Ubersuggest more than Semrush. There are so many tools in Semrush it is overwhelming and I feel like, "What am I doing here?" while I am on the app. I don't find that the keyword research is worth it for the price.

Uber suggest keeps me focused on the simple things. No keyword is perfect and going to help me rank #1. I think everyone is so focused on ranking, rather than writing quality articles that help consumers; that is my goal. Keywords help. As a matter of fact, I just went to Uber suggest and copied some keywords that would relate to this article, check them out: ubersuggest free keyword research toolubersuggest pros and consubersuggest by neil patelubersuggest online toolubersuggest used forubersuggest semrushubersuggest competitor analysisubersuggest affiliate programubersuggest discount code

Semrush gave me similar words with a small difference in difficulty level and A LOT of information. Hopefully, one day I will have the funds, traffic, and data to implement Semrush. For now, Uber suggest is a humble and very useful tool that gets the job done. I highly recommend it!



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